BSB0045 – Brand Spanking Bought – Podcast

Even though I am back to the east coast and my #100LongBeachDays of 2018 are over, I am still California dreamin. However, make no mistake, I have love for my east coast peeps.

BSB on iTunes

Now that I’m back in the home studio, LOV (Layers Of Vinyl) returns with a 2005 hit from Dennis Ferrer. And the Throwback Section has been renamed to Flashback. With four selections we flash back to BSB0021.

Check it out. #PressPlay and get your #Eargasm on…


Some time ago I wrote prose about this subject. Unfortunately, we all have a collection of implicit biases.

The question is how often to we allow our bias to be challenged?

From the other side of the proverbial coin, I often feel frustrated when I come up against bias. It’s everywhere.

The disbelief in another persons eyes, even when faced with something to the opposite; especially when faced with proof and fact the bias is not true, not as broad, or, my favorite, the truth is a lot more nuanced.

It cuts to the white meat, when I see this internal battle manifest itself in another’s face.

Personally, I have been trying to face my bias any time it rears its ugly little head. It’s a devil that appears on my shoulders at inappropriate times.

I’m sure it does for others too. After all, it is a human condition. Or should I say, it’s a disease.

However, I will continue this exercise hoping that like a weight lifter, the repetitive action of challenging my bias will strengthen my soul, and make me slower and slower to judge while broadening my knowledge if not compassion as well; as it seems to have been working through most of my life.

After all, I don’t fit your damn stereotype…

Stereotype will be an exclusive release to Traxsource on May 30 (pre-order is available now); released to all other digital stores on June 27.


BSB0042 – Brand Spanking Bought

It’s been just over a week since I have been back in the #LBC — Long Beach, CA — on my #100LongBeachDays of 2018. And there has been some set backs and some nice developments.

So how is that for a bad-news-good-news teaser, eh?

I’ll be going into some of the bad news soon enough. The good news is that I and one of my new friends out here from last year and I are launching a new project in the next few weeks. We are looking to have a launch party in late June.

But for now, dig into the latest BSB — Brand Spanking Bought Show.  It was recorded at Our Spot–my last Sunday in Baltimore before I started on this latest #100LongBeachDays 2018 adventure.

It has been awhile since Oscar and I had any face-to-face time–too long, to be honest–even though we have been in the same town of Baltimore for years. Yet here I was crossing the threshold into his store. (I should say their store–Belinda’s wonderful force is just as important in their story.)

There is much that is inspirational about Belinda and Oscar’s story in my humble opinion. But I will not spill those proverbial beans here. I suggest you go into there wonderful massage-barber-wellness shop and hear it yourself.

Tell them Stylo sent you–I’m sure they would love to tell their story. (And while you are there, partake in one of their beautiful soul replenishing services.)


BSB0041 – Brand Spanking Bought

Yesterday, I posted my latest podcast and mix BSB show.

There was a power outage that impacted when I aired the live portion on Instagram. As I have been in the habit of broadcasting the first 30 minutes or so of the show a week before posting on Mixcloud, this was delayed by 2 days.

The Layers Of Vinyl LoV features 1+1=Love by luluxpo on Compilatrax Vol 2.

Also inside is:

  • We Rock The House – Wise D, Kobe
  • Let Me Smash – Black V Neck, Tim Baresko
  • In the Throwback section, Main Ingredient – Bernard Jones, Aren B, Kink
  • Run – Tourist, Lil Silva
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash with more editing by myself…



So I went off a bit on Instagram for #MondayMotivation

I probably came off as a bit of an ass to some. But here is the thing–I really don’t care.

How Not To Be ‘Encouraging’

The last week of positives culminated in a show for Butter, a last Friday of the month party upstairs at Ottobar.

(btw, I still get nervous for sets. It doesn’t matter if is for 20 people or 2000 people. I get nervous.)

There is no way to suddenly make it big

I guess it was something that got under my skin, this so called positive re-enforcement that was not positive. And this was a way for me to exorcise it.

Their is no so secret to success

No, it was not something in this past week. Yes, it was something that preceded it, but not by much. More importantly, it is a common thing for a lot of people to say, do, or suggest to others who actually have the balls (or vagina) to put themselves out there, who take risks beyond the average person.

I realize that this post or any post of this nature is not likely to be a tide changing event. However, just like putting the music out there, the prose out there, the writings out there, and letting the chips fall where they may so to speak, putting these feelings out into the ether is a way for me to be free.


Now on Bandsintown

Yep. I have joined the Bandsintown movement.

If you are using this app, I’d love if you would look me up there. Keyword search, stylo.

Feel free to contact me there too!

BSB0039 — Brand Spanking Bought

Two Mondays ago, I dropped the BSB show for February. I went digging for one of my favorites for L.O.V. from the French label Pro-Zak Trax.

There are lots of other goodies inside as well. Check it out!

BSB0038 — Brand Spanking Bought

I dropped my latest #BSB show. It was definitely a fun way to start the new year. However, I realize was talking a bit much in the last few episodes of 2017.

I kicked off the show with my Layers of Vinyl selection from Tim Deluxe, Less Talk More Action. It’s going to be my motto for 2018 for sure.

Kinda went crazy with the DJ Eclyps selections in this show. And also I purposely cooled off the mix before heating it up again from the stuff into the Throwback Section including one of my originals, Life and Fiction.

Of course the download is available from my record label website. mGrooves Music.

A detail list of the tracks is available only through subscribing to the 4Groovers there as well.


BSB0037 — Brand Spanking Bought

My latest #BSB show is now available.

I was having a bit of equipment trouble in my home studio, so I reached for Alexander Robotnick‘s Problems D’amour on the LP, The Dark Side of Disco, to begin the show. This is the L.O.V.[e] selection of this BSB podcast.

Funny, my love life, or more accurately stated my lack of love life, could probably be described through that song too. Ha!

I have been definitely barking up the wrong proverbial trees. Maybe I just need to find a different forest, eh?

In addition, I dropped a track from the middle of show entirely. I’ll likely re-introduce it in another show soon. It just didn’t fit as well as I initially thought it would. So I ditched it.

Free Download of BSB0037 Podcast/Mix

All-in-all, I think you will like the group of music put together for the December show.

If you want the complete track listing, send me a note using the form below. I love feedback of any type.

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