Back on Apple Music

After a bit of delay, Riding Solo is back on Apple Music

It is also on Spotify, Deezer, Tidal, and other streaming services.

Fun fact: this track was originally released in 2022 and has a Country twang to the vocals. So grab your cowboy hats and boots if you so desire!

Artwork via my geeky side at JR Design Studio

Apple Music


Amazon Music

New Again

I have gotten back to publishing again.

Riding Solo is my first track to be re-released after changes in my distribution journey started in fall 2023.

Through Distrokid, I was able to get back on most of the digital platforms that I wanted to get on. However, there are some drawbacks too.

As currently configured, distribution to DJ facing resources is restricted to one, Beatport. The bigger issue there is that proper label attribution can not be done on Distrokid. Boo!

So going forward, I’m likely to use this distribution channel when I want to go experiment with a sound. A vehicle where my music and the other producer/DJs I work with published on mGrooves Music is still to come.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy being able to play Riding Solo again. Other digital streaming services this track will be available on added daily.

Artwork via my geeky side at JR Design Studio


Amazon Music

Riding Solo

I’m very excited to announce this release on my record label on mGrooves Music. It is a 5 track compilation with 2 tunes from Ed Ridgley, a remix by Tracey Cooper, 2 tunes by Afropino, and my contribution–Riding Solo.

I have wanted to have this type of release for quite a while!

Check out the entire compilation So So Fresh 1.0 on your favorite platform

Video created from clips by Kool Shooters on Pexels. Editing and production by YourGeek at JR Design STudio

Long Playa

Recently, on my side hustle I had 3 passengers in the back seat and this track came on. I often play my LiftConfidential playlist on Spotify while driving.

It was two girls and a guy. The guy and one of the girls started chuckling and bopping to the track.
Give the Playa de Long EP a listen + quick links to buying and streaming options.

I asked them if they liked the song. The two that were full of giggles answered yes. The other girl said an emphatic ‘no’.

However, she then proceeds to comment on how it sounds like Prince.

2 out of 3

Personally, even though she said she didn’t like the track, I am going to take it as a compliment that she compared it to Prince.

But, I have to ask: even though the one girl said she didn’t like the song, do you think I should count it as a yes since she compared it to Prince?

(I’m asking for a friend…. lol.)

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