Anyone Else Video

So, I have this new track in the works. It’s supposed to be a summer anthem like jam.

Think about a rooftop party, or a sea-side party. The sun is setting in the background. You are dancing to the setting sun with your friends, with your family, with your friends that are like family, with your significant other…

That’s right, you wouldn’t want to be with anyone else!

Preview Anyone Else

That’s the feel of this track. And at my upcoming sunset DJ set at Waverly Brewing, I will be capturing video clips to be used as a music video.

You know you want to be there with me, arms in the air, dancing!

In addition to this news, I am collaborating with Jenny Wohl in which she will be creating a multi-panel Anyone Else inspired set of paintings. These panels will be able to configured in multiple ways to create a set of art for the cover.

I’m really excited about this release and the accompanying cover art. To preview the track and to keep up with news about this release click that preview link above!

See you at Wavery Brewing for our Hopped Tropic Sunset Dance Party!


It’s finally here! My events will now be announced on Songkick.

This also allows my events to sync with my Spotify artist page. Another level of synergy is accomplished. And now you don’t have to miss another announcement if you follow me on Spotify and didn’t know where else I post my shows.

No worries. I will still be posting my events on BandsInTown, on my record label website, and here.

Stay House Has Moved

Yep, I have moved Stay House (again). Hopefully, this will be the last time for as long as we are being affected by this pandemic, the reason I started so much live streaming in the first place.

Mixcloud provided a nice home. It will remain my home for pre-recorded mixes as it is still the best place on the net where the copyright licensing is proper. Take downs were happening on Facebook and Instagram in the middle of live streams. Thus the move to Mixcloud for those performances.

But after some changes that happened on the primarily gaming platform of Twitch permitting DJs range without less take-downs, I decided again to move again. After a test broadcast, it seems we are in for some serious plusses.

The video part of the stream was much more stable and the audio quality was also impressively better. The first was expected. The second was not.

See my event page for the upcoming schedule.

Follow me on Twitch

A Little Butter Never Hurt

I haven’t said anything since the pandemic reached the United States, but I will say it now. I miss deejaying in front of people.

I have tried to be a good sport about it. In all honesty, playing in a studio or room is just a flashback to a deejay’s beginnings. Also in all honesty, it’s old–and boring.

Stylo, Jenny, and Jeffrey at Butter March 30 2019.

How I long for a return to those last Saturdays of the month of the last few years; the excitement, the anticipation, the nervousness. Yes, even after many years of being a DJ and the honor of doing some large stages like the gallery opening for Art Whino in their 1st space in Old Town Alexandria or Future Classic shows as a part of the Winter Music Conference in Miami Beach, I still get nervous before every show.

Every show I am consumed with the emotion of wanting to putting the best forward. I know you want to have a good time. I want you to have a good time too. I want to revel in the afterglow, watching all of you file out of the space laughing and smiling.

This is especially sweet when the show is before a group of people who don’t quite know what to expect, like the crowd at the patio bar Mezcalero in Long Beach, or the way a random group of graduate students mixed with Metal or Punk Rock heads pour upstairs at Ottobar for Butter. The transformation from trepidation to celebration is nothing but sublime.

Don’t get me wrong! I love the regulars too. It’s just a different type of love! They roll in and help get the party started with no prompting. They are also very gracious in explaining how they were looking forward to the night all week. I still blush in gratitude every time this happens.

So yeah, this pandemic is old. Boring. And it’s a huge steaming turd.

Yet, I will persevere. I am hoping you will too. Butter, or something like it will return. I will return to the decks in a live capacity when we all can do so in optimum safety.

In the meantime, there is always Stay House!

Tune In To The Audio Infusion

It’s a pleasure to announce that I’ll be on another broadcast of The Audio Infusion show!

There are no upcoming events.

The Audio Infusion is on Morgan State radio WEAA 88.9 and if you live outside of the broadcast area, you can listen in on the live stream. It’s an over-night radio show, so get your coffee or tea ready!

Afropino, my Butter co-host and also a producer of several tracks on my music label mGrooves Music, will be on the same broadcast.

It’s almost as if it’s a Butter pandemic reunion party!

Now on Bandsintown

Yep. I have joined the Bandsintown movement.

If you are using this app, I’d love if you would look me up there. Keyword search, stylo.

Feel free to contact me there too!

Give. Thanks.

Yes, today on a day too far back that I really wish not to talk about, I was born.

As many of you know, I have rarely made this day about me, it’s not in my upbringing.

As I have gotten older, I have found some fun and sometimes creative ways to make it about all who might be around me on this day and about others in general.

This has taken such forms in previous years as the #Scoprio Tryst dance parties that I did with at first with fellow Scorpios, then solo as well as other charity in other years.

In that last vain, I ask each of you who wish me well on this day to be my hero and give to one of the following causes below.

St Francis Neighborhood Center 


Anne Arundel County CASA


Cupid’s Undie Run



Your generosity and empathy are greatly appreciated!

Preview DC at Flash

Flash is one of my favorite places in DC these days.

There are a lot of places that have electronic music in the DC area and frankly most of them are junk. Yeah this is rather judgmental, but hear me out.

Yes a lot of electronic music has become more mainstream and this in of itself is not a bad thing. More mainstream means more ears will hear it right?

True, more people will hear ‘something’, but this does not mean it is the right somethings. As anything that becomes overtly popular, other forces start to have an impact.

We forget to keep being curious about the ‘why’ behind something and turn into the dumb, blind, non-thinking, zombies that consumerism is really all about.

Money, instead of quality, becomes the driver. With the focus on the bottom dollar, the often difficult and or accidental paths that delivered uniqueness to us is replaced with just trying to rubber stamp the results in.

More mainstream means more ears will hear it right?

Okay, I’ll stop ranting about the negatives.

Top Pick Rated by DC House Grooves

Why do I like Flash? Because they seem to keep looking for the forward and edgy while not forgetting those paths I mentioned that have described what some would call a tradition. Yes, they do look for what is popular but with an eye to what might be next. This is not without much risk, which is just the opposite one gets with pop (read= that EDM term).

However, there isn’t any adventure without some risk.

I have 2 or 3 more places in the DC area that are on my short list of where to get good curated electronic music from the popular to the emerging. Send me a note to get the list of those places in your inbox via the Contact Me page.

Tonight, I am joining the Preview DC gang again on the roof top of Flash for Happy Hour. Don’t worry it’s free and we start at 6PM.

Preview DC feat. Stylo

Day 48

So, apparently I am “so Long Beach”. I was just told this by one of my new friends here.

Yeah, I had to chuckle.

Book Me / Contact Me


This is the same couple who allowed me to impromptu DJ their Pride party a few weeks ago. Pride weekend in Long Beach is a bit ahead of the national Pride celebration.

I will be providing the music vibe for another of their private affairs this coming weekend.

I guess I get to be “so Long Beach” again.

I’ll be quite OC as well as I get to DJ a private event down in Dana Point the following weekend.

I think I could get used to this. Hehehehe…

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