Flash Life Is Good Life

Although the date was made many weeks ago to be a part of Preview DC at Flash, it could not have come at a better time.

Music–especially dance music in general and House music in particular–is very therapeutic. It is the best dope, the best side-effect free drug, the best medicine.

Flash once again also proves why it has been successful in working with the great talents from the local level to international, but making sure to curate folks to be on the decks who are positive to the entire scene;  not just to their own glorification.

For myself going through a tough break up, these culminated in quite the spiritual re-awakening last night.

I was given a chance to play some of the best I have the pleasure of having access to and releasing on mGrooves Music. I also had the chance to play some of my own creations before a large audience. And again, I was surprised by the reassuring and supportive response to all of the above.

I am glad I have stuck to my guns so to speak regarding being very picky about the newest of projects I have chosen to work and collaborate.  Playing out every weekend and being ‘everywhere’ is not by itself an indicator of doing good work.

Again, thank you Christauff and Jon MFD for considering me again and again for your Preview DC event, and your dedication to the best of local DJs. Thank you Flash for being fertile ground for the new and innovative. And for being similarly picky.

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