Give. Thanks.

Yes, today on a day too far back that I really wish not to talk about, I was born.

As many of you know, I have rarely made this day about me, it’s not in my upbringing.

As I have gotten older, I have found some fun and sometimes creative ways to make it about all who might be around me on this day and about others in general.

This has taken such forms in previous years as the #Scoprio Tryst dance parties that I did with at first with fellow Scorpios, then solo as well as other charity in other years.

In that last vain, I ask each of you who wish me well on this day to be my hero and give to one of the following causes below.

St Francis Neighborhood Center 


Anne Arundel County CASA


Cupid’s Undie Run



Your generosity and empathy are greatly appreciated!

Cosmic Cocktail In The Year Of The Cock

Ahem! Or maybe I should say ‘in the year of the rooster’. Either way, right?!

For the first time in a few years I was able to make it to the Cosmic Cocktail party at the Visionary Art Museum. This event has been one of the better ‘seen and be seen’ art community events of the year.

This gallery, already known for it’s eclectic nature, brings out the same in the party goers.

I happen to have been born in a Year Of The Rooster. So it’s an interesting coincidence that this was my first party of the year. It wasn’t my first party in being a DJ or for music, but it was my first party where I wasn’t working in any capacity and could just enjoy myself. I am looking to start this year with freshness. Hehehe…

Roosters are observant, outspoken, resourceful, frank, and possess confidence in self.

Also interesting, I ran into old friends who I haven’t seen in a while, some professionals who I have had the pleasure to work with and for, and to make some new friends.

The pros had some re-affirming words and advice for me. They let me know that despite the setbacks they  believe I am doing the right things, being on a good path. A lot of what they said is the essence of the Lust4Life concept I launched back in 2004.

#BSB Podcast and Mix Tape series

I also heard from a DJ who he and I used to produce a very successful show together. I was humbled by the story he told me about how pivotal asking him to be a part of that show was to growing his career as a DJ. It was also fun trading stories about all the folks we have worked with along the way. No, we are not going to name-drop. They know who they are. We know who they are.

So now, in taking another step on the other side of a new beginning, this next few months will be full of a few new tracks, a few new mixes, and pushing to grow every day.

Let’s dance!

Flash Life Is Good Life

Although the date was made many weeks ago to be a part of Preview DC at Flash, it could not have come at a better time.

Music–especially dance music in general and House music in particular–is very therapeutic. It is the best dope, the best side-effect free drug, the best medicine.

Flash once again also proves why it has been successful in working with the great talents from the local level to international, but making sure to curate folks to be on the decks who are positive to the entire scene;  not just to their own glorification.

For myself going through a tough break up, these culminated in quite the spiritual re-awakening last night.

I was given a chance to play some of the best I have the pleasure of having access to and releasing on mGrooves Music. I also had the chance to play some of my own creations before a large audience. And again, I was surprised by the reassuring and supportive response to all of the above.

I am glad I have stuck to my guns so to speak regarding being very picky about the newest of projects I have chosen to work and collaborate.  Playing out every weekend and being ‘everywhere’ is not by itself an indicator of doing good work.

Again, thank you Christauff and Jon MFD for considering me again and again for your Preview DC event, and your dedication to the best of local DJs. Thank you Flash for being fertile ground for the new and innovative. And for being similarly picky.

I’ll Be Running In My Underwear Again

I ran with some friends of mine 2 years ago. The Cupid’s Undie Run charity raises money for research into this cancer that afflicts kids. Here I am running again!

Yes there are tons of charities that one could support, and I do spend a considerable time giving. This is just one of the places that I do.

Yet, as in this case, giving can also be outrageously fun!


I will be announcing personal giveaways to those who donate or run with me…

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