Let’s Get Social!
[supsystic-gallery id=’4′]So you want to book me for your club or private show, or just say ‘hi’? Start here!
General news
So you want to book me for your club or private show, or just say ‘hi’? Start here!
Well, 2018 is coming to a close.
Although, I missed by a considerable margin the number of tunes I was seeking to put out, because of you I was still able to hit some significant milestones.
Thank you for:
I am truly amazed at being able to reach so many.
I am planning to keep on pushing. And I hope that you all will continue to allow me to reach your ears through music, prose, and beats, on Spotify.
And maybe one day, live!
Ghosting is an epidemic.
Most of us have done it at one point or another…
However, I still don’t understand when people go on a dating site or app and fill in the spot for what they are searching for as ‘don’t know’. You don’t know what you are looking for? And then in the body of the profile you post ‘no FWB’, etc.
What is worse are the ones you match with and ghost you. Or as in the case of Bumble when the ladies go first, send you a one word message, ‘hi’.
You know that men are castigated for that behavior so why are going to do the same thing?
Better yet, why are you wasting time on a dating app if you have no intention to date?
Do we even know what dating really is anymore in this swipe left, swipe right world?
I have updated the ways you can contact me and how it operates on this site. It was time for a bit of modernization and some streamlining.
Some have expressed a desire to see more deeply into my creative process, to see behind the scenes. Others wanted to be clued in before the public release of my material. Still more wanted a direct way to book me for their private event, club event, or gallery opening. Either way (or more that I didn’t list) this is the best way to do it.
In addition, on the same landing I have created quick links to my most active social media and music networks. As time changes and I add or retire networks, I will announce them in M|P|B, then alter the links available through the Contact Me page.
The page is mobile and tablet friendly too.