Math (edit)

This recent debate and hesitancy about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is ironic.

If such a big deal has been made for a grand total of 6 people, where is the outrage for the much more numerous excessive use of force by police?

There was almost no hesitancy for me getting inoculated. This despite possessing a healthy distrust of large institutions.

All words and music by me. Video and editing by #BlackNerdPowers me. Contains free video element by Pressmaster on Pexels.


Making music, writing prose, making mixes, etc has been just this for me for a long long time. So long, I don’t remember when it became so.

To me it has always been since before the first piece of prose I wrote or some random tune I plucked on the piano.

What is your therapy?


Do you wonder why
Why fire drives me so
Dispensing poetic
Rhythm from my soul

It’s the only way
I know to remain sane
To gather in the flood
To control the flame

A struggle versus the forces of nature
An epoch fight on a singular journey
To defy the test of time
To delay expiring on a gurney

The success I may have
Is all relative my dear
I could be fine for now
And still be gone next year

Tears For Fears

Tears for fears
Better than gone by years?
Certainly better than love incomplete
Tears for a love incomplete


Tears will water tomorrow’s flower
Bloom. Stretch. Stand tall. Tower.
Dawn blooms after the darkest night
And tears cool like rain in summer light.


It may feel so so far far away
But your tears foretell smiles in coming days
I see you.  And I see you. Feeling blue.
But so is the sky when it is clear. True?

I originally penned this on June 13, 2015.

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