Stay House 12 and 13 Available For Download

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It’s been 13 weeks of this project. And even though that many restaurants and bars have re-opened, performance places still remained shuttered. Plus did you see all that new higher infection rates? The ‘Rona’ isn’t gone and we still need to be vigilant with social distancing. Don’t take my word for it. Take Dr Fauci and the CDC!

So this project continues!

Yes, it means that I and most other DJs and musicians do not have gigs; and thus have been struggling to pay for necessities.

If you have the means, please consider posting tip to help keep this going. A huge thanks to those who have already tipped me! If others are still thinking about this, it can be done via my handle musicofstylo on CashApp or Venmo.

Stay House 12

I am sorry about all the Neighbour Noise. But I have to Keep On Jacking. It’s the only way to be Picture Perfect. Plus I just Luv Dancing.

Stay House 13

Start out with Universal Love. Once you are Undressed, Shake Dat All Nite Long. Bounce and say Hey Hey. Don’t We Feel So Hot??

Stay House 14 July 18 @9PM | jump to events

Photo by JR Design Studio

Artwork contains a photo by Toni Reed on Unsplash with addition editing by JR Design Studio.

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