A Little Butter Never Hurt

I haven’t said anything since the pandemic reached the United States, but I will say it now. I miss deejaying in front of people.

I have tried to be a good sport about it. In all honesty, playing in a studio or room is just a flashback to a deejay’s beginnings. Also in all honesty, it’s old–and boring.

Stylo, Jenny, and Jeffrey at Butter March 30 2019.

How I long for a return to those last Saturdays of the month of the last few years; the excitement, the anticipation, the nervousness. Yes, even after many years of being a DJ and the honor of doing some large stages like the gallery opening for Art Whino in their 1st space in Old Town Alexandria or Future Classic shows as a part of the Winter Music Conference in Miami Beach, I still get nervous before every show.

Every show I am consumed with the emotion of wanting to putting the best forward. I know you want to have a good time. I want you to have a good time too. I want to revel in the afterglow, watching all of you file out of the space laughing and smiling.

This is especially sweet when the show is before a group of people who don’t quite know what to expect, like the crowd at the patio bar Mezcalero in Long Beach, or the way a random group of graduate students mixed with Metal or Punk Rock heads pour upstairs at Ottobar for Butter. The transformation from trepidation to celebration is nothing but sublime.

Don’t get me wrong! I love the regulars too. It’s just a different type of love! They roll in and help get the party started with no prompting. They are also very gracious in explaining how they were looking forward to the night all week. I still blush in gratitude every time this happens.

So yeah, this pandemic is old. Boring. And it’s a huge steaming turd.

Yet, I will persevere. I am hoping you will too. Butter, or something like it will return. I will return to the decks in a live capacity when we all can do so in optimum safety.

In the meantime, there is always Stay House!

Tune In To The Audio Infusion

It’s a pleasure to announce that I’ll be on another broadcast of The Audio Infusion show!

There are no upcoming events.

The Audio Infusion is on Morgan State radio WEAA 88.9 and if you live outside of the broadcast area, you can listen in on the live stream. It’s an over-night radio show, so get your coffee or tea ready!

Afropino, my Butter co-host and also a producer of several tracks on my music label mGrooves Music, will be on the same broadcast.

It’s almost as if it’s a Butter pandemic reunion party!

BSB0064 — Brand Spanking Bought — Podcast

After some challenging technical issues, BSB is finally back!

From my Layers Of Vinyl collection, I kick off the show with Negative Things from Deepseed.

#BSB on Apple Podcasts |  Google Play Music | Mixcloud

  • The Throwback track features Baltimore native Karizma
  • So So Fresh from mGrooves Music features new techno heat from Afropino
  • and the LiftConfidential track features another Baltimore based artist Life On Planets

There is new music inside from Saison and Kid Enigma, Antonio Ocasio, Sorley, and Wax Motif with Scrufizzer and Taiki Nulight.

Do you want the full, most complete track listing? Use the form below to get in the know…

Get the most concise track listing for every BSB podcast show!
Photo by Naail Hussain on Unsplash. Additional editing by JR Design Studio.

BSB Flashback 1 — Part 2

Part 2 of my first BSB Flashback features a mix by my mGrooves Music label mate Afropino.

This was recorded live at our monthly called Butter at Ottobar. Of course this mix is called The Butter Hour.

#BSB on iTunes | Spotify | Google Play Music

A New Feature

I am launching a new feature coming this Friday. And it will continue every 3rd Friday of the month.

Introducing BSB Flashback

BSB Flashback will be a two part, two hour feature.

The featured hour, the 2nd hour, will be a mix by Afropino called The Butter Hour. Sometimes this will be a studio mix. Other times it will be a sample from our last Saturdays of the month party called Butter at Ottobar.

The 1st hour might be a studio mix by me that has been previously released (for example re-recorded without the talk over of the regular BSB show), a sample of a live DJ set by me, or a submission of a guest mix.

Just like BSB — Brand Spanking Bought shows, each hour of BSB Flashback can be heard directly through this site, on my accompanying record label website mGrooves Music, on Apple Music podcasts, Spotify podcasts, Google podcasts, Mixcloud, and via other podcast software.


Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash

Butter – Anniversary Edition

  • DJ sets by Afropino and Stylo.
  • Celebratory Giveaways
  • Free entry / 21+ (w/ valid ID)

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