Math (edit)

This recent debate and hesitancy about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is ironic.

If such a big deal has been made for a grand total of 6 people, where is the outrage for the much more numerous excessive use of force by police?

There was almost no hesitancy for me getting inoculated. This despite possessing a healthy distrust of large institutions.

All words and music by me. Video and editing by #BlackNerdPowers me. Contains free video element by Pressmaster on Pexels.

A Better Contact

I have updated the ways you can contact me and how it operates on this site. It was time for a bit of modernization and some streamlining.

Some have expressed a desire to see more deeply into my creative process, to see behind the scenes. Others wanted to be clued in before the public release of my material. Still more wanted a direct way to book me for their private event, club event, or gallery opening. Either way (or more that I didn’t list) this is the best way to do it.

Contact Me

In addition, on the same landing I have created quick links to my most active social media and music networks. As time changes and I add or retire networks, I will announce them in M|P|B, then alter the links available through the Contact Me page.

The page is mobile and tablet friendly too.

m|p|b artwork is by Elijah O’Donnell on Unsplash and edited by me for JR Design Studio
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