It’s been just over a week since I have been back in the #LBC — Long Beach, CA — on my #100LongBeachDays of 2018. And there has been some set backs and some nice developments.
So how is that for a bad-news-good-news teaser, eh?
I’ll be going into some of the bad news soon enough. The good news is that I and one of my new friends out here from last year and I are launching a new project in the next few weeks. We are looking to have a launch party in late June.
But for now, dig into the latest BSB — Brand Spanking Bought Show. It was recorded at Our Spot–my last Sunday in Baltimore before I started on this latest #100LongBeachDays 2018 adventure.
It has been awhile since Oscar and I had any face-to-face time–too long, to be honest–even though we have been in the same town of Baltimore for years. Yet here I was crossing the threshold into his store. (I should say their store–Belinda’s wonderful force is just as important in their story.)
There is much that is inspirational about Belinda and Oscar’s story in my humble opinion. But I will not spill those proverbial beans here. I suggest you go into there wonderful massage-barber-wellness shop and hear it yourself.
Tell them Stylo sent you–I’m sure they would love to tell their story. (And while you are there, partake in one of their beautiful soul replenishing services.)