
So I went off a bit on Instagram for #MondayMotivation

I probably came off as a bit of an ass to some. But here is the thing–I really don’t care.

How Not To Be ‘Encouraging’

The last week of positives culminated in a show for Butter, a last Friday of the month party upstairs at Ottobar.

(btw, I still get nervous for sets. It doesn’t matter if is for 20 people or 2000 people. I get nervous.)

There is no way to suddenly make it big

I guess it was something that got under my skin, this so called positive re-enforcement that was not positive. And this was a way for me to exorcise it.

Their is no so secret to success

No, it was not something in this past week. Yes, it was something that preceded it, but not by much. More importantly, it is a common thing for a lot of people to say, do, or suggest to others who actually have the balls (or vagina) to put themselves out there, who take risks beyond the average person.

I realize that this post or any post of this nature is not likely to be a tide changing event. However, just like putting the music out there, the prose out there, the writings out there, and letting the chips fall where they may so to speak, putting these feelings out into the ether is a way for me to be free.


Life and Fiction

I never knew that when I thought of this idea for this track that it would turn out to be very apropos. I am speaking about this age of so-called “Alternative Facts”.

It is indeed fact “At some point you have to choose between life and fiction. The two are very close, but they never actually touch.”

Yes, I dream. It’s not that I don’t. Rather I don’t live in dream land. Instead I rather actively work toward making those dreams a reality.

Where those dreams can be actualized is good. Where life points elsewhere, only a fool would continue to rail against life as if it was a personal vendetta.

Just being stuck in ‘dream land’ doesn’t gain you anything and one is not being a student of life.

What dream are you pursuing and turning into life? How has a life lesson altered a dream?


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