When The Music Is Loud

It was the first thing I saw this morning. My phone served up pictures of her and I, one by one. Memories. And then the last photo was a collage of the previous pictures all together.

It was a bit much to start the day with for something that’s over.

Fortunately, my go to therapy is music. I did drop a BSB preview show the night before on Twitch. And today going through addition tunes for a likely pop-up Stay House later this week.

Follow Stylo on Twitch.tv

I have re-added When The Music Is Loud by Colette to my multi-genre playlist #LiftConfidential on Spotify.

The Re-Binge

Many of you know that I am a geek, nerd, dork, and a huge fan of science fiction. I’m also equally picky as I am passionate about science fiction.

High on my sci-fi list is the series The Expanse which after starting on and being cancelled by SyFy was picked up by Amazon Prime. They have released a trailer for their final and sixth season recently.

And now I’m re-watching the 5 seasons in preparation for this coming season.

I have often watched very closely the music chosen to accompany series. Sometimes you can come across some overlooked gems.

This is often the case in this show. Oh to be sure there are some flops. The track used for the club scene where Nagata and Drummer are ‘hydrating’ after handball comes to mind.

One of my favorites though is in Season 2 Episode 3: Static. Amos is delivering Miller a bag of his personal effects in a bar after being kicked off the Rocinante. And in the background the song Starstruck by Santigold is playing. It is paired well with the energy of the scene, and with Amos’ wisdom to Miller, “You keep picking the wrong fights with the wrong people.”

I have re-added Starstruck to my multi-genre playlist #LiftConfidential on Spotify.

A Better Contact

I have updated the ways you can contact me and how it operates on this site. It was time for a bit of modernization and some streamlining.

Some have expressed a desire to see more deeply into my creative process, to see behind the scenes. Others wanted to be clued in before the public release of my material. Still more wanted a direct way to book me for their private event, club event, or gallery opening. Either way (or more that I didn’t list) this is the best way to do it.

Contact Me

In addition, on the same landing I have created quick links to my most active social media and music networks. As time changes and I add or retire networks, I will announce them in M|P|B, then alter the links available through the Contact Me page.

The page is mobile and tablet friendly too.

m|p|b artwork is by Elijah O’Donnell on Unsplash and edited by me for JR Design Studio
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